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SMC Foundation

Foundation volunteers help with a variety of fundraising efforts throughout the year. Volunteers may help plan and set up for the annual golf tournament or annual donor social, or assist with the fund drive. 

Hazen Hospital Auxiliary

SMC Auxiliary has been supporting the hospital since 1947 when the Hazen Memorial Hospital Association was formed. The SMC Auxiliary is known best for their Annual Turkey Dinner Fundraiser every April. Other Auxiliary events include an employee tea, the hospital gift shop, love light tree, and a quilt raffle.

The purpose of the Auxiliary is to:

  • Promote and advance the welfare of SMC
  • Acquaint the public with the mission of SMC
  • Engage in fundraising activities
  • Help with other charitable works that promote the values, mission, and purpose of SMC

Sakakawea Hospice

Direct Patient/Family Volunteer: Hospice volunteers have the opportunity to positively impact patients at the end of life. Hospice volunteers visit with and offer companionship to patients and their families at one of the most difficult times.

Hospice Fundraising Committee: Fundraising volunteers help raise money for our Hospice program. Members of this committee are vital to the success of our Hospice program by helping plan, organize, and set up fundraisers including the annual Valentine's Cookie Fundraiser, Grape Escape, fall fundraiser, and more.

Become A Volunteer

Call (701) 748-7380 for more information