CCCHC will be conducting a free COVID‐19 collection event on Tuesday, Sept. 15th from 7:30‐9:30 a.m. in the SMC Ambulance Bay. Individuals wanting testing are asked to enter west of the Mercer County Ambulance building and drive thru the SMC Ambulance Bay to be tested. Pre‐registration for this event is available at This process is strongly recommended to speed up your overall testing event experience.
Drive‐Thru COVID‐19 Collection Event
Sep 03, 2020
Featured Articles
History of the Hazen Hospital: Celebrating 75 Years
In the fall of 1918, Hazen got an inadvertent and temporary hospital when its new school building was equipped with 24 beds and a staff of five Bismarck nurses to cope with the Spanish influenza epidemic. The facility closed shortly after. There was not even a temporary hospital when a sleeping sick ness (encephalitis) epidemic hit the community in the spring of 1923.
Filling the Gap
Kayleen Alexander, SMC Athletic Trainer, to provide needed athletic training services to Beulah and Hazen School Districts.
SMC Foundation Golf Tournament
The 17th Annual SMC Foundation Charity Golf Classic was held June 18 with seventeen teams participating. The goal of this event is to assist SMC Foundation is securing funding needed to help SMC continue to provide quality healthcare close to home.