An opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders and encourages individuals in need of treatment and recovery services to seek help. Talk to us today about the solutions available to help you take the first step towards recovery. Our goal at CCCHC is to provide assistance to individuals and families who experience emotional and coping problems and those who have serious and persistent mental illness. Services are available for children, adolescents and adults experiencing a wide range of problems. Call CCCHC today for more information or to schedule an appointment, 7018734445.
September is National Recovery Month
Sep 09, 2020
Featured Articles

Donate Life Month
Observed in April each year, National Donate Life Month helps to encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to honor those that have saved lives through the gift of donation. Visit to register today!

Welcome Madison Vance, PT, DPT
Sakakawea Medical Center is pleased to welcome Madison Vance, PT, DPT, to our Rehabilitation Team. Madison began practicing at SMC in June.

BSC Nursing Program Application is Now Open
In partnership with Coal Country Community Health Center and Knife River Care Center, we offer an onsite practical nursing program through Bismarck State College. The program allows individuals in surrounding communities to pursue a nursing career through non?traditional means and eliminates the need to travel to do so.